Princess Glory Amayanvbo is a woman of God; Highly anointed with the mandate to empower Women to confront the barriers in their life. Empowered by the spirit of God, she is an intercessor, a woman of extraordinary prophetic insight, infused with an unprecedented, unshakable faith. Anointed in the ministry of strategic prayer, with an unprecedented gift of healing, miraculous deliverance; God has used her to touch many lives across the world.
Princess Glory Amayanvbo is a visionary leader, relentless, uncompromising teacher of biblical principles. She has inspired innovation in the modern Christian church with the extraordinary ability to bring people together in unity.
Princess Glory Amayanvbo is the president and founder of GLCFI where she is committed to impacting the lives of everyone she comes in contact with; teaching, preaching and raising up watchmen and women for the kingdom of God. She has the qualities of a compassionate and understanding leader.
She is a Mom, teacher, book lover, Motivational speaker, Mentor, Business Consultant, comedian, Aspiring fashion Designer and Writer. She has a passion for bringing joy into homes, to help those in need and strengthening the family unit. She believes that wives should not be in front of their husbands, neither should they be at their back; and that the rightful position for wives is by the side of their husbands.